Sport Nova Scotia operates numerous administrative services that are available to our members including printing, mail/courier, computer networking, telecommunication, office space, meeting facilities, equipment rentals, desktop publishing, financial services, and general administrative services.
Sport Nova Scotia is contracted by the provincial government to provide administrative support to provincial sport and recreation organizations. Sport Nova Scotia provides subsidized services to active and associate members, as well as recreation organizations approved by the provincial government.
In the fiscal period 2020- 2021, 70 organizations were eligible for subsidies. The pie charts below show the sources of revenue for the administrative centre.
The policy of Sport Nova Scotia is that costs associated with operating the administrative centre will be set at a level that ensures the operations of the centre, at a minimum, break-even. Any surplus will be used for the purpose of providing administrative services.
In the fiscal period 2020-2021, the administrative centre realized a surplus of $3,744.19
that will be added to the accumulated surplus.
The general operating fund and the building fund had a collective deficit of $46K. The general operating account had a loss from budget of $9.5K mainly due to losses in interest revenue, contracted services revenue, fundraising and special events and offset by federal wage subsidy revenues and savings in expenses from advocacy, salaries and benefits and travel. The building had a gain over budget of $9K due to savings in maintenance and operating costs.
Memberships ($8700)
Sales/Service ($142,651.03)
Prov. Government ($330,000)