Sport for everyone
Removing barriers to sport participation (especially for those with a physical disability) continued to be a priority this year. Building a network of contacts and utilizing new resources like newsletters and webpages helped promote province-wide adaptive sport opportunities. Relationships were strengthened with the Nova Scotia Rehabilitation Centre, the IWK Recreation Therapy department, the Canadian Paralympic Committee Summit and the NSCC Recreation Therapy department.
Through our Regional Sport Consultant positions, we have been able to make a direct impact at the grassroots level across the province. From acquiring new sources of funding for Provincial Sport Organizations to working to implement new programs, the consultants have changed the face of sport in Nova Scotia. The consultants serve as the Chair of the Regional Sport Fund committees, which brings community leaders together to support quality sport projects. The consultant directly supports the design, implementation and delivery of sport programs through meeting with clubs and service organizations looking to provide more sport opportunities for more Nova Scotians.
Our Community Sport Development Program continued to have an impact. Multisport projects grew across Nova Scotia with more and more children trying a variety of sports and developing their physical literacy skills. Female sport leaders were brought together to develop workshops, lectures and networking opportunities and a gender equity event offered education to female coaches.
Working with our members is critical to building Nova Scotia’s sport system. This year, we had one-on-one conversations with our members asking them what challenges they face trying to grow their sport. Based on this insight, we refined the funding assessment models and improved awareness of our Community Sport Development Program, allowing members to leverage more opportunities and partnerships.
We see ourselves as the support structure for our members who are doing inspiring work every day. Our traditional sport recognition programs, Cleve’s Source for Sports Athlete of the Month and the Support4Sport Awards, celebrated sporting success and gave us the opportunity to inspire Nova Scotian’s in the sport sector. The printed tabloid Sport Quarterly is distributed though The Chronicle Herald and remains an important print publication for sharing and celebrating stories about sport.